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5th Graders Move Up

5th Graders Move Up

The crazy weather continued for the 5th Grade Moving Up. It was a warm and  blustery Monday morning on the playground at Columbus and Dr. G’s remarks were spot on as he continued with his “elements of nature” theme and talked about the winds of success and joy for this Columbus Elementary Class of 2024, WMS Class of 2027, and WHS Class of 2031.

“The wind carries small birds as they dive and swoop in the air. It blows the sea into white caps. It whips clouds into hurricanes. Like birds in the wind, your journey at Columbus has been filled with breezy days, calm periods, and storms…You have grown stronger and more resilient. As you move to Westlake Middle School I encourage you to embrace each gentle breeze and powerful storm. Use headwinds to soar to new heights and tailwinds to take a break

I’m excited to see where your journey takes you!”

Assistant principal Erica Denam made reference to the famous Patricia MacLachlan quote, “What you know first stays with you.” She told her 5th graders that she knew them and Columbus first and that because of that, they will stay with her. As her ambassadors to all things Columbus, and anytime she found herself thinking: wait, how do we do that at Columbus, these fifth graders were her teachers. “Beginnings can be exciting and scary, I was the new kid this year. I know you have got this!”

Principal Mike Cunzio clearly had a connection to this special class, calling them “an amazing group of kind and caring gifted musicians and athletes who exhibited leadership skills beyond your years. I have a feeling there are some future leaders among us today. I was especially touched and impressed by the culminating event of this school year, the flag ceremony.”

He spoke of some special memories that he hoped they would take with them including some Columbus classics like China and Brazil Day in 3rd Grade, Colonial Day in 4th grade, this year’s trip to Playland, the yearbook breakfast, and class dance at Club Infinity. He also said he hoped they would forget about him getting slimed last year.

“The morning announcement team was the highlight of most days for me,” he said. “Your smiles, fun facts and silly jokes were a great way to start the day. You even taught me some cool dance steps. As a class I will remember you as being responsible, reflective, empathic, open-minded, and resilient. Those are all the tools you will need for your educational journey and your life.”

He closed by referencing The Kindness Chart that is posted in the main hallway. “I put the first post-it on there, it reads ‘Kindness truly changes everything.’ I hope you will take that with you from Columbus boys and girls. I know you will make us proud.”

WMS Principal Anthony Miungioli closed the ceremony by asking the 5th graders to please stand, “It’s my honor to welcome you to Westlake Middle School. Columbus has prepared you to be positive and active members of the Westlake Community. Please move your tassels, you're now 6th Graders!